Why Demo Jam ROCKS – from a losers perspective ;)

It was Tuesday night sometime back in 2009 at my first TechEd where I was sitting in the audience and really wishing I was standing up on stage, presenting something inspiring and innovative which would encourage the votes of the demanding audience of Demojam. Well, it took 4 years to creep over personal hurdles, family time and to gain an ounce of courage which persuaded me to post an entry in 2013, this blog gives some insight into what I did, what I would have done differently, and also why Demojam really needs people like YOU!

A couple of months ago (May through July) I went through the openSAP HANA course and was really impressed, not only by the DB, but more the HANA XS Engine as an Web/App server. Being a “learn by doing” kinda person I struggled to get the most out of the course content since it really didn’t apply to anything I was currently working on, until I realized the opportunity… As I described in my demojam presentation, I drank the HANA coolaid 🙂 Personally, it was not so much of the big data aspect that intrigued me, but rather this concept of the DB and the app server really being a single entity from a platform, as well as infrastructure perspective. Simple. I spent a couple weeks learning a lot more, since I had something to apply it against and started developing an app called Metric² read more

Open Source Project: HANA Talk – A Simple HANA XS helper

HANA Talk is a small Javascript class which help facilitate the communication between your front end html/js files and HANA database when using SAP 
HANA XS Engine. This is intended to help people who are just starting out development on XS Engine and would like a easy place to get  their feet wet without having to go through too much trial and error. This is also a great starting point for people involved in events like InnoJam, Hackathons, etc. when POC’s and demos need to developed quickly, but not necessarily perfectly *cough* or securely *cough* 🙂 

By providing this tutorial and the HANA Talk download, my hope is that it will encourage more people to consider using XS Engine as a app platform to drive their front end web apps and subsequently, encourage the use and innovation around HANA in general. Anne Hardy had a comment in her blog post regarding the Developer Advisory Board which was along the lines of “Developers want to get it in 5mins max; they want to build real stuff in less than an hour”.

I frequently get discouraged by the amount of learning and effort always needed to learn new technologies and products which companies “get into bed with”. Nearly every one of the apps I develop start out in a POC type phase, where my imagination and reality clash and inevitably produce the equivalent of a 3yr old’s self portrait, often resembling “Unconventional”. While going through these exercises I often wish it was simple to get somethings done, and understanding the cost and willing to accept the trade offs. This is why I developed HANA Talk – to make those unconventional portraits, easier to deliver 🙂 

OK – so what does it do?

By adding a HANA Talk js and xsjs file to your project, you can simply write SQL statements in your HTML file and have the results returned synchronously.

e.g.  Index.html

<script type="text/javascript">
var resp = hana.executeScalar('SELECT 1 FROM DUMMY');
console.log(resp); //Outputs 1

Super simple and easy. See below for further details.


1. Download/fork these 2 files – client.js & server.xsjs from Github and add them to your package. The filenames/structure can be changed if you are feeling adventurous. In your HTML file, you will need to reference client.js, this is as simple as adding a tag to you header. For reference, if you are not using SAP UI5 or jQuery – you will need to add this to your HTML header as well.

A Basic Example

2. In your javascript code, instantiate a new HanaTalk object. We will use this to “pass” our SQL commands to our HANA DB.

var hana = new HanaTalk('SYS'); //The 'SYS' reference is in relation to the Schema. It can be specified here or within your TSQL Statement

3. Call your HanaTalk object with the operation type and SQL you would like execute (see below for additional operations).

var result = hana.executeRecordSet("SELECT 1 FROM DUMMY");

4. We can populate that response into our html (DOM)

document.getElementById("SomeElementID").innerHTML = result;

A few more examples

a.) Insert/Update/Delete a record – use .executeChange, this will execute your code and respond with the records which have been updated

document.getElementById("resp4").innerHTML = /*hana.executeChange("UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE .... ") + */ ' Record Changed';

b.) Return a Table – using .executeRecordSet will return a html formatted table, displaying the select’s record set

document.getElementById("resp2").innerHTML = hana.executeRecordSet("SELECT TOP 5 * FROM M_HOST_INFORMATION");

c.) Return a Object – .executeRecordSetObj allows us to loop through records, and have quite a lot of control of the display of each record and its column name.

document.getElementById("resp3").innerHTML = hana.executeRecordSetObj("SELECT TOP 5 * FROM M_HOST_INFORMATION"); read more

SAP UI5 – A Photoshop template of GUI elements

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For me (and I am sure many others!), UI5 has become a really useful toolkit for easily developing web apps and POC’s with little effort around the SAP Ecosystem. The OData support, rich controls and business inspired examples lend itself well to the mantra of “Don’t reinvent the wheel”. At a recent SAP Inside Track event in NY, I made reference to the fact, that while developing a mobile app, I, or a graphic designer, can spend close to 40% of the total design & development phase/hours on the UI. Building “consumer grade” enterprise apps is a different way of thinking for app developers. I am sure many of you, like me, started out with a redefined canvas of boring, grey .NET controls or a “Enjoy” SAP CXTAB_CONTROL. But times are changing and we should all look to the creative and vibrant consumer world of both web and mobile apps to reconsider our methods and processes for developing great apps. read more

xSync – Making HANA XS development easier

Update: March 7th 2014

– Added support for SAP HANA SPS07 
– Ability to ignore local deletes, which would leave the files on the server 
– Shortcut link opens the Web Editor, and another to open IDE in your browser 

– Stability and speed improvements 
– Corrected multiple minor bugs  


A couple of weeks ago, I started playing with HANA development after going through a couple of the opensapcourses. One of my biggest surprises was that HANA Studio was windows only. As a Web/Mobile/App developer spending majority of my time on the Mac platform, having to get my Dell out was a walk down memory lane, and caused me to not spend as much time working on the projects as I would have liked. Since Rev 52 of HANA included a XS Engine Lite IDE, a useful web based IDE for your XSJS/SAPUI5 development. I was been looking forward to getting it installed on my AWS machine and giving it a test drive. Last weekend Juergen Schmerderposted a updated really easy to follow and simple guide of going through the process and within a hour, I was up and running on the newest available rev. read more

Quick View for SAP Notes

In my ever growing quest to provide quick and easy access to SAP Notes (which Dagfinn Parnas started a couple of years ago with the Android Note Viewer), I recently finished creating a windows version of a small app to make opening notes just a little easier.

When deciding if I should get this done, it was purely out of personal need. Having spent the last few months building up a couple of Gateway test, stage and Prod systems, the ability to open a SAP note quickly, always seemed to elude me. Open service.sap.com/support -> click on Help & Support -> Type the note and go. Albeit the app developed still has some user interaction (until Google Glass arrives?) … it does make it a little simpler. I also found a small cmd script online which looked helpful. read more

S2F – Building a custom iPad app using Netweaver Gateway

S2F is a blog series around building custom native iOS apps using SAP Netweaver Gateway, you can read Part 1and Part 2, as well as the introduction from talk at TechEd in Las Vegas.

Last Week Guy Stoffer, put together a great blog outlining how quick and easy it was to create an iOS app using the SAP Netweaver Gateway Tool for XCode. The tool creates proxy classes and even handles the security which makes creating a starter gateway app simple. In my previous post covering my talk at TechEd in LV, I mentioned I would show an alternative to using the Gateway Tool for XCode and this blog outlines this. read more