Category: Bookmarks
Links which I have found interesting or contain some snippet of knowledge or wisdom which I have drawn some inspiration or learnings from.
TEDx Talk Prep ;)
Bookmark: What is generative art?
A wonderful elaborate blog post by Amy Goodchild share what generative art is, including various methods, technologies, examples and theories.
Bookmark: Open Source E-ink Display – Glider
I tend to be more and more interested in open source hardware. Between the resonable PCB printing and cheap components, this category of DIY is becoming increasingly popular. Here is a cool project where the hardware and software are ripe for a summer project:
Bookmark: UI Density
A nice article on the science behind information/UI density along with some reasoning and justification for why great UI/UX is so important.
Thousands of books summarized into 5 bullet points. While helpful, never forget that context is EVERYTHING.
Bookmark: Why you won’t find a technical co-founder …
As a technical co-founder, this is a great reality check.
You probably will not find a technical co-founder online by using one of the many co-founder matching tools.
You may also not want to.
I’ve tried working in the normal “co-founder for equity” set ups. I’ve been working as a freelancer and contractor for years.
At the moment I am focusing my efforts on building MVPs. After talking to founders on both sides of the “equity-hire” spectrum I have some thoughts.
This is exclusively from the perspective of searching out a person you don’t know online, for the sole purpose of founding a company.
This is not talking about starting a business with you friend joey from work, who you’ve been working with for 3 years.
Bookmark: Airfoils
Everything you ever wanted to know about airfoils and their aerodynamic properties, all. interactive visualized on this great site.
Why we can’t have nice software …
A fun read, probably one I will hopefully come back to in 10 years, and it will still be relevant:
The engineering behind Figma’s Vector Networks
Great read on the underlying fundamentals of vectors in a software context.
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