iOS App: Blaze for SAP Netweaver Gateway


A couple of months ago I was working on creating services for a SAP App store app called Production Insight for SAP. While working on the app I constantly found myself using RESTClient for Firefox to test, debug and view the attributes of my service while I was developing in XCode. Eventually I pulled up the metadata and service implementation on my iPad and used it as a second screen for reference. This made my life much easier. After having done this a couple of times over the past few months, I figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea to create an app which not only lets you view the service and its details, but also save requests, test them against multiple servers and also view the details easily. Which is why I built “Blaze”, it does all this and a little more. It is a free app and available in the app store as of yesterday, if I could put a “demo” or “beta” sticker on it: I would. (but apple won’ approve anything like that!) for all you “gatewayers” out there, please test it out and let me know what you like and don’t. My intention is to create a iOS client for gateway which is useful to developers like myself. The app can also handle other OData servers and services like Netflix and XS Engine from HANA.

Here are a couple of the app’s features:

  • Easily create and test new gateway services 
  • Browse the service catalog of your servers 
  • Save service calls as favorites for easy testing 
  • Adding favorites saves request headers and methods 
  • Handles both XML and JSON based services 
  • Preview mode formats the response for easy reading 
  • Links mode shows all links in the document which enables quick and easy drill down 
  • Add headers easily with a list of choices
  • Also supports other OData Service Implementations such as Netflix and HANA XS Engine
  • This version currently requires SAP Netweaver Gateway SP04, the main reason for this is to easily browse the service catalog using JSON, if you don’t have SP04, you can set the app to “other” type and it should work. <- feedback needed 🙂 

Click here to download the app