Tool: Glowforge Laser Cutter

Glowforge was one of the most successful crowdfunding projects at the time, with raising $27.9m in 30 days!

DIY: Lego Shelf

A fun DIY Lego Shelf from Walnut Wood. Some woodworking, finishing and using the laser to mark and brand it. I have made about 5 of them now for friends and family and they always seem to be a hit!

Step 1:
160 -> 180 -> 220 Grit Sanding
Scuff with steel wool (00)
Clean with microfiber
Danish Oil (Walnut)

Step 2:
Scuff with steel wool
Clean with microfiber
Danish Oil (Walnut)

Step 3:
Top Coat
Wax and 0000 steel wool

Step 4:
Laser Engrave Logo

Glue Lego Insert