This was a fun project using a Arduino, a sliding rail and belt to pull a sled with a DSLR on it for taking long exposure photography, video or long exposures. This was mounted on a Tripod for some additional stability and flexibility.
Here is the Code: Link
TODO: Photos/Footage
LCD Menu/Options
- Run
- Speed
- 1 – 10
- Mode
- Movie (Continuous)
- Stop Motion (Move, Stop, Move, Stop)
- Steps
- xxxx (Default to count steps)
- Setup
- Default Steps
- Count Steps
- Note: Move carriage to end of rail and press start, press when the carriage +- 2 inches before the end. Store this number as your Max Steps.
- Use Octocoupler (Enable/Disable)
- Octocoupler Fire Interval (ms)
Parts List
- Arduino – $29 (Sparkfun)
- Motor Shield – $20 (Ladyada)
- Stepper Motor – $15 (Sparkfun)
- LCD – $25 (Sparkfun)
- 4N28 Optocoupler – $3 (hobby engineering)
- 2.5mm Male cable for Remote – $6 (Amazon)
- Misc $16 (Radioshack)
- Buttons $1.99 x 2
- Wire $5.00
- Small IC board $1.99
- Project box $5.00
- Battery $16
- Charger $20
- Total: $150
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