Thanks to everyone who has downloaded the app to date (roughly 9000 of you!). Also thanks to all the people providing feedback and ideas for future versions, keep them coming.
Version 2 of the app has been given some major improvements to the iPhone version including the ability to review the comment attributes (version, applications and status) which was already in the iPad version. Another improvement to the iPhone app is the ability to launch the note in Safari on the device. Basically a quick link to the note but you will still need to authenticate yourself.
The biggest improvement in v 2.0 is the ability to now search for notes rather than having to know the specific note numbers, as per the previous releases. Another interesting improvement is the ability to “Tag” notes, currently, Implemented, Deleted, Success and Failed are the options. A bunch of bug fixes were also made.
You can find the new versions here:
SAP Note Viewer v2.0 for iPad
SAP Note Viewer v2.0 for iPhone
I have some great new features planned for upcoming releases and versions, so if you are interested you can me here, @paups or my company @lithlabs
Here are a few screenshots
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