My preferred tech stack

Frontend FrameworksAngular, Bootstrap 4, WordPress
Backend FrameworksExpress
Build Systems
Development ToolsNodemon
DatabasePostgres (AWS RDS)
DeploymentShell scripts
DevelopmentGithub, VS Code,
TestingPuppeteer, Headless Chrome
3rd PartyGoogle Services
Git ClientSourcetree
HTTP ClientPostman
Source CodeGithub
InfrastructureLightsail, AWS
CertsLets Encrypt
CLI Toolshtop, pm2, shell
SSH ClientTermius
Email Templates
UI ComponentsEnvato Elements
DesignDribbble, Adobe Behance, 
MockupsSketch, Photoshop
Photo EditingPhotoshop
Vector Design/EditingIllustrator
IconsEnvato Elements
Color Palettes
Issue ManagementGithub Issues
Knowledge baseGithub Wiki
Payment ProcessingStripe
Chat Support

Bookmarks: Emerging Architectures for Modern Data Infrastructure

As an industry, we’ve gotten exceptionally good at building large, complex software systems. We’re now starting to see the rise of massive, complex systems built around data – where the primary business value of the system comes from the analysis of data, rather than the software directly. We’re seeing quick-moving impacts of this trend across the industry, including the emergence of new roles, shifts in customer spending, and the emergence of new startups providing infrastructure and tooling around data.

In fact, many of today’s fastest growing infrastructure startups build products to manage data. These systems enable data-driven decision making (analytic systems) and drive data-powered products, including with machine learning (operational systems). They range from the pipes that carry data, to storage solutions that house data, to SQL engines that analyze data, to dashboards that make data easy to understand – from data science and machine learning libraries, to automated data pipelines, to data catalogs, and beyond. read more

Technical Talks

Here is a nice summary of a user curated list of technical talks:

Some I have watched and enjoyed:

Control engineering:

Gunter Stein’s inaugural Bode prize lecture from 1989 titled “Respect the Unstable” [0]. In this talk, he uses a minimum of mathematics to clearly demonstrate the fundamental (and inevitable!) trade-offs in control systems design. He effortlessly makes the link between his (in)ability to balance inverted rods of various lengths on his palm (with shorter rods being harder to balance) to why the X-29 aircraft was almost impossible to control and why Chernobyl blew up.

The fundamental message is extremely important and the derivation is so crystal clear that it is simply marvelous to watch him present it. I like it so much that I re-watch it about once a year. read more