A couple of weeks ago I was moving code from 1 hana instance to another trying to keep them in sync. However, I thought there might be a better alternative for comparing the contents of the repos across my systems to ensure that the files matched. After doing some digging and not finding a solution, I decided to write a small tool to do just this, called Syscompare. It is a open source HANA app which uses the new File API and compares the files on each system and displays the differences.
You can read more about the application here, and find the files for the HANA app in Github.
– Compare repos across HANA instances
– Display file differences in the application
– Highlights missing files on each instance
– Setup the 2 XSHttpDest files
– Specify the source and target systems (using the xshttpdest file names)
– Specify the repo to compare
Once the processing is complete the app will show a summary of differences:

You can checkout the Github/Source code here: paschmann/Syscompare · GitHub
If you prefer to download the Delivery Unit – please click here and provide your email address (this way I can keep you up to date with changes): metric² | Real-time operational intelligence for SAP HANA
Interested in contributing to the project? Please feel free to fork or submit a pull request.