Generative Art Resources

During the NFT hype, generative art got a lot of attention due to its ability to programmatically, and algorithmically generate designs and art. These are a few resources I used and developed digging a little bit deeper into the subject.

Skill Share Course:

  • Coding Train by Daniel Shiffman — one of the authors of Processing. A talented and cheerful teacher who will change your perception of teaching.
  • Awesome Creative Coding on Github — most useful links on your way to becoming a generative artist
  • Openprocessing — place when you can find and share works using P5.js and Processing
  • Programming Graphics от Joshua Davis — the best motivating creative coding course in the web (in my humble opinion)
  • read more

    Cost to Deploy a Contract on the Ethereum Network

    The cost of your deployment is based on 5 things, with a 6th affecting the estimated cost of deployment:

    The flat fee of 32k gas. The CREATE op code, which is called during contract creation, costs a fixed 32k gas. This is of course on top of the 21k gas of a normal tx. Note: During contract creation from an EOA (non-contract address), the CREATE opcode isn’t explicitly called. The return value of the tx is actually used to create the contract, but the fixed 32k fee is the same. The amount of bytecode in the compiled contract. More bytecode means more storage, and each byte costs 200 gas. This adds up very quickly. Note that inherited parent contracts are also included in the bytecode. The TX data. All the bytecode your sending as tx data costs 68 for non-zero bytes and 4 for zero bytes. The code actually runs before creation of the contract, e.g. the constructor of the contract. If the constructor requires a lot of computation to generate the bytecode, then it’ll be even more expensive. The gas price. The higher gas price you use, the higher it will cost. See read more