Open Source Project: Rasa UI

Rasa is an open source machine learning framework to automate text-and voice-based conversations.

Rasa UI is a web application built on top of, and for Rasa. Rasa UI provides a web application to quickly and easily be able to create and manage bots, NLU components (Regex, Examples, Entities, Intents, etc.) and Core components (Stories, Actions, Responses, etc.) through a web interface. It also provides some convenience features for Rasa, like training and loading your models, monitoring usage or viewing logs.

I developed Rasa UI to help me manage my bots as well as creating and managing the training data. The app is developed on NodeJS, and uses a simple SQLite DB for persistence (previously PostgresDB).

I liked the concept behind Rasa since the majority of NLP (Natural language processing) solutions are SaaS based and there a bunch of companies who don’t want their users queries being shuttled to the cloud for processing … Rasa runs on your infrastructure and you maintain control of the data and what it is used for.