List: Trips, Holidays and Travel

YearMonthLocationNotesBlog Post
Trip to Mattsee and surrounding area for a good friends wedding, and a tour around the western parts of the country. Then a two night visit to Munich.Link
2024JulyGermanyWork trip with some buffer due to flight costs. Roth to watch Challenge Roth, Walldorf, Heidelberg and MunichLink
2024JuneOrlando, FL
St. Augustine, FL
Volleyball Nationals
Short beach trip
2024JuneAtlanta, GAVolleyball
2024AprilThe Woodlands, TXIronman Texas
2024AprilLouisville, KYVolleyball
2024MarchAtlanta, GAVolleyball and a ride on the Comet Trail
2024JanuarySevierville, TNVolleyball tournament and a visit to Buck-ees
2023OctoberWilmington, NC, Wrightsville Beach, NCIM 70.3 with Janey & JasonLink
2023SeptemberLake Como, ItalyA short stop before Kate went to London to J&JLink
2023SeptemberCinque Terre4 days of stairsLink
2023SeptemberNice, FranceIM WC, Kate and PaulLink
2023AugustWhistler, CanadaGuys MTB TripLink
2023JulyNapa, CAWork and Fun, Kate and PaulLink
2023JulyLake Fontana, NCAdult getawayLink
2023JuneHilton Head Island, SCWith granny to RCI timeshareLink
2023JuneSan Fransisco Bay Area, CAWork and MTBLink
2023AprilThe Woodlands, TXIM TexasLink
2023AprilLitchfield Beach, SCWith multiple families for spring break
2023JanuaryParis, FranceWith Janey & JasonLink
2022DecemberCape Town, South AfricaBusy times, Table Mountain, StelleboschLink
2022DecemberGarden Route, South AfricaMorgans Bay, East London, Port Alfred and Plett on our way to Cape Town, Stellenbosch to see DulcieLink
2022DecemberMauritiusGrannys 70th with the whole family!Link
2022OctoberWrightsville Beach, NCHalf IM race in Wrightsville/WilmingtonLink
2022SeptemberChicago, IL, South Bend, INChicago and RedBud MX With Alon, Kate and FranLink
2022SeptemberSnowshoe, WVGuys MTB trip, rafting the Upper Gauley during Gauely Fest!Link
2022AugustLos Angeles, CAVisiting Josh during his MBA in LA, day trips to Malibu, Manhattan, Downtown & Laguna Beach. We stayed in Beverly HillsLink
2022JuneSt. Thomas & St. John, USVIWith the Bumgardner familyLink
2022MarchTelluride, CAWith the Kaufmann familyLink
2021OctoberSedona, AZ, Grand Canyon, NVGuys MTB tripLink
MTB Link
2021JuneSan Fransisco, Yosemite, LA, CAFamily trip and big tour of Northern CaliforniaLink
2021MarchDaufuski Island, SCElla’s birthday wish – ride horses on Daufuski with ElinLink
2021FebruarySnowshoe, WVFamily trip with the Fairweathers and SmithsLink
2020DecemberSaint Helena Island, GANew camping at Hunting Island State Park and then Fripp with the Kaufmann’s and WilsonsLink
2020DecemberPisgah National Forest, NCGuys trip to Carters house for MTBLink
2020NovemberPinehurst, NCGolf and Surf ThanksgivingLink
2020NovemberWrightsville Beach, NCGolf and Surf ThanksgivingLink
2020OctoberMassanutten, VAGuys MTB trip to Massanutten and HarrisonburgLink
MTB Link
2020AugustNorth Myrtle Beach, SCHurricane Isieas with the Kaufmanns and JvR’sLink
2020JulyDamascus & New River, NCA huge family trip riding the creeper trail one day and floating the new river the nextLink
2020JanuaryBlowing Rock, NCFun trip to the Smiths mountain houseLink
2020JanuaryMilan, ItalyMBA International StudyLink
2020JanuaryLyon & Annecy, France & Geneva, SwitzerlandMBA International StudyLink
2020JanuaryLondon, EnglandVisiting J&J on our way home from SALink
2019DecemberSouth AfricaMorgans Bay, East London, Port AlfredLink
2019DecemberPinehurst, NCMarcs 40th and Thanksgiving weekendLink
2019SeptemberAsheville, NCFamily trip to Sierra Nevada, MTB and TubingLink
2019AugustNorth Myrtle Beach, SCWith the BakersLink
2019JulyPortland, ORTrip to Portland, Oregon with Alon to Washougal MX NationalLink
2019JulyAsheville, NCTube & Glamping with Soriano FamilyLink
2019JuneOrlando, FLUniversal Studios & Orange LakeLink
2019JuneWashington, DCWashington DC and Philadelphia, PALink
2019MarchHeidelberg, GermanyWork tripLink
2019MarchToulouse, FranceVisit to Michael & LaurenLink
2019FebruaryDeep Gap, NCAnt’s 40th birthdayLink
2019FebruaryNew York, NYAndroid ConferenceLink
2018NovemberPinehurst, NCGolf EventLink
2018NovemberPisgah, NCTrip to Brevard, Pisgah and Dupont – MTB?Link
2018OctoberSaluda, NCCabin in Saluda with familiesLink
2018OctoberBay Area, CAWork trip to Bay AreaLink
2018OctoberLas Vegas, NVSAP TechEd in Las VegasLink
2018AugustAmelia Island, FLFirst trip to AmeliaLink
2018AugustBryson City, NCMTB Trip to Lake Fontana & Bryson CityLink
2018JulyChataeu Elon, GADave Pelz Golf Clinic with GailLink
2018JulyMontreal & Quebec, CanadaImpromptu trip with KittyLink
2018JuneKure Beach, NCWith the BakersLink
2018AprilBay Area, CAWork and funLink
2018JanuaryHilton Head, SCIce Breaker Golf and FunLink
2017DecemberQuintana Roo, MexicoFamily trip to MexicoLink
2017NovemberWest End, NCPinehurst, West End, Talamore GolfLink
2017OctoberBlowing Rock, NCFall tripLink
2017SeptemberLas Vegas, NVSAP TechEdLink
2017SeptemberBay Area, CAWork and FunLink
2017AugustStreamsong, FLStreamsong Resort with KittyLink
2017JulyKiawah, SCKiawah for some golf and fun with JvR’sLink
2017JulyOrlando, FLStreamsong, Orlando and the BeachLink
2017JulyBar Harbor, MEBar HarborLink
2017JulyBoston, MAShort city visit before heading homeLink
2017JuneMills River, NCVisit to Asheville AreaLink
2017JuneSan Jose, CAWWDC, TPC Harding Park and Office VisitLink
2017JuneBent Creek, NCCamping with the Fairweathers and BoonesLink
2017MarchWalldorf, GermanyWalldorf, Heidelberg, GermanyLink
2017JanuaryHilton Head, SCGolfweek Ice Breaker EventLink
2017JanuarySouth AfricaCape Town, Knysna, Morgans Bay, East London and Port Alfred, South Africa. Janey and Jason.Link
2016NovemberBay Area, CAHalf Moon Bay, Palo Alto and moreLink
2016OctoberDamascus, VACreeper Trail and Blowing Rock, NCLink
2016SeptemberLas Vegas, NVSAP TechEdLink
2016SeptemberWarrior Creek, NCCamping at Warrior CreekLink
2016JulyPhiladelphia, PAWork trip to NSQLink
2016JulyKure Beach, NCKure with the BakersLink
2016MayBay Area, CABay Area work tripLink
2016MayOrlando, FLSAP SapphireLink
2016MarchOrlando, FLOrlando, Legoland, DisneyLink
2016MarchWalldorf, GermanySAP Work TripLink
2016FebruarySnowshoe, WVSki trip with Fairweathers and lots moreLink
2016FebruaryPhiledelphia, PAWork trip to PhillyLink
2016JanuaryHilton Head, SCIcebreaker with the familyLink
2015DecemberTurks & CaicosFamily TripLink
2015DecemberPhiladelphia, PAWork trip for the Christmas PartyLink
2015OctoberLas Vegas, NVSAP TechEdLink
2015SeptemberPhiladelphia, PAWork trip and golfLink
2015JulyMinneapolis, MNTrip with Alon to Spring Creek MXLink
2015JuneDeston, FLFamily trip with Gail to DestonLink
2015JuneMontgomery, ALStop 2 on the road tripLink
2015JuneAtlanta, GAStop 1Link
2015JuneNorthern CaliforniaTrip to SF (Github), San Ramon, Yosemite and MonterreyLink
2015MayPhiladelphia, PAWork trip to PhillyLink
2015AprilPleasanton, CAWork trip to SAPLink
2015FebruaryPhiladelphia, PAWork trip to Philly
2015JanuaryPhiladelphia, PAWork trip to Philly
2014DecemberSouth AfricaEast London, Port Alfred, StellenboschLink
2014JuneOrlando, FLSapphire, DisneyLink
2014FebruaryBay Area, CAHalf Moon Bay, SAP DKom Event, Palo Alto
2013NovemberSeattle, WAMicrosoft ConvergenceLink
2013OctoberLas Vegas, NVSAP TechEdLink
2013AugustWilmington, NCTrip – ASUG?Link
2014JulySteel Creek, NCCamping trip with Barnette family and drive to Blowing Rock, NCLink
2013JuneOrlando, FLSea World, Disney, Granny, New Smyrna Beach
2012DecemberStellenbosch, South AfricaMark and Phillys Engagement, Bathurst, Port Alfred
2012JuneSouth AfricaTrip with Ella to SA, Michael & Lauren were there?
2012JulyNew York, NYStop on our way back from SA, Zoo and Central ParkLink
Not sure what went on here – Ella was little 🙂
2012FebruaryCape Town, South AfricaTrip to stay with Janey, Jason, Dick and Lynn
2012FebruaryMgazi, South AfricaTrip with Dad
2012JanuarySouth AfricaLong stay in SA from January to March, Port Alfred. Katberg.
2011DecemberKatberg, South AfricaAschmann family trip to Katberg
2011JuneFrankfurt, GermanyWork trip to FAIST Frankfurt, Wurtzburg, Heidelberg. 12th -> 18th June
2011JulySouth AfricaEL, PA, Kate didn’t come with
2011MayFrankfurt, Germany22nd -> 27th May
2011JanuaryFrankfurt, GermanyWork trip on after being in SA
2011JanuaryToulouse, FranceTrip to France to visit Coty, Snowboarding, Surfing at Hossegor
2010DecemberSouth AfricaEL, PA
2010OctoberLas Vegas, NVSAP TechEd
2010AugustCharleston, SCBeach Trip to Isle of Palms and Charleston
Charlotte was born, not much traveling
2009DecemberSouth AfricaEL, PA, Marina house rental
2009SeptemberWashington, DCTrip to test the new 2010 Yamaha YZF at Buddy Creek
2009JuneCharleston, SCVinnay (Janes friend) visit trip To Charleston
2009MayDaytona, FLTrip with MX boys to Daytona to ride Pax track and Tom’s Bachelor Party, played golf
2009AprilSan Francisco, CAKate and Paul to SF
2008DecemberNew York, NYTrip to NY with City and Lauren
2008OctoberParis, FranceVisit Michael and Lauren
2008OctoberFrankfurt, GermanyWork trip to Frankfurt
2008SeptemberAsheville, NCAnna and Bens wedding
2008JuneSouth AfricaCoty Wedding
2008MarchFlorida, FLDrive to Miami? to get on the cruise, Grand Cayman, Jamaica
2008FebruaryAtlanta, GAAMA Supercross
2008JanuaryParis, FranceVisit Michael and Lauren
2008JanuaryFrankfurt, GermanyWork trip
2007DecemberSouth AfricaWedding Anniversary Party – 1 year, PA, Lynn & Dick Wedding
2007SeptemberHilton Head Island, SC & Savannah, GATrip to SC with Mom and Dad
2007SeptemberWashington, DCMXoN at Buds Creek and Washington, DC with Alon and Kate
2007JulyWest VirginiaEnduro ride and Cabin Weekend with TT
2007JulyCharleston, SCCamping with Pete and Alison
2007AprilAtlanta, GAAMA Supercross race with TT
2007JanuarySugar Mountain, NCCabin and a ski trip to Sugar Mountain
2007JanuaryParis, FranceVisit to Michael and Lauren
2007JanuaryWorms, GermanyWork trip then to Paris
2006DecemberSouth AfricaCape Town, EL and PA?
2006AugustCharleston, SC
2006AprilLondon, EnglandTrip to is it Kate in London
2005DecemberSouth AfricaCape Town, Plett for New Years with Bardy, City and Lols
2005AugustJohannesburg, South AfricaJane and Andrews Wedding
2005JulyLas Vegas, NVLas Vegas trip with Kate and Stephan from FAIST
2005JuneWashington, DCTrip to MX Budds Creek with James Poole from TT
2005MarchHilton Head, SC & Savannah, GATrip to the beach with FAIST Students
2005FebruaryAtlanta, GAAMA Supercross
2005JanuaryNew York, NYTrip to meet up with Jane during her work trip
2004DecemberSouth AfricaPlettenburg Bay, Storms River, Knysna, EL, PA. Lots of time with Bardy and Cody.
2004NovemberCharleston, SCTrip with Amy, Heidi and Anja
2004OctoberCrumpler, VWTrip to Crumpler for enduro riding
2004SeptemberAtlanta, GATrip with Aschmann family
2004AugustKitty Hawk, Outer Banks NCTrip to Kitty Hawk with family
2004JulyDaytona Beach & Orlando, FLTrip with Kitty and students (Jani and Tani) to Daytona and Orlando.
2004MayMacon, GALoretta Lynn Qualifier at Echochonie MX Track
2003DecemberSouth AfricaKatberg with Fouches, PE, CT, PA
2003NovemberMiami, FLWas supposed to go to London to visit Mike, visa issued from Canada requiring a transit visa, kept me home and went to Miami with the students instead.
2003SeptemberChicago, ILF1 Race at Indianapolis, City visit and work trip from Detroit, MI.
2003JuneCharleston, SC, Wrightsville Beach, Williamsburg, VAAndrew and family came to visit during the summer
2003MayCharleston, SCTrip with Students
2003MayCharleston, SCTrip with Jane
2003FebruaryAtlanta, GAAMA Supercross with Kate
2003JanuaryCharleston, SC
1996JuneOrlando, FLFamily trip with Andrew to Orlando and a road trip down to Key West
1996JuneLondon, EnglandA few days in London on our way to the US
1993George, South AfricaGeorge to visit Anne, Ant, Vic Bay, etc.
Cape Town, South AfricaThe Peninsula
Eastern TransvaalSabi River Bungalows x 2
1992Kynsna, South AfricaUnder Milkwood
Sun City, South Africa
1994JuneAustraliaA family trip to Australia. Sydney, Perth, Brisbane and up the Great Barrier Reef in a camper van
1994JuneNew ZealandAfter Australia, a trip to both the North Island to Auckland and South Island to Ski & Snowboard in Queenstown. A bus was involved.
1989?TrennerysHolidays as kidsLink
1988?San Lameer
1990?KatbergHolidays as kids
1981Port AlfredHolidays as kids from +- 1981